
Griffin-1 initial transition test

 Started testing transition 

Griffin-1 first flight

 First hover of the Griffin-1

Griffin-1 assembly and motor testing

 Setting up the motors in INAV, testing the direction

Started assembly and ground tests for Griffin-1

  First servo test for the Griffin-1

Printing Griffin-2 and strut/control surfaces

 Started printing Griffin-2 a while ago. It has longer span wings and is printed one layer, in vase mode. I'm planning to cover it with fibreglass so it has enough rigidity. Also I'm printing the struts/control surfaces in vase mode to be as light as possible. Rigidity is imparted from the square carbon fibre inserts

Printing Griffin-1, a quad-lip-wing aircraft

 I started printing Griffin-1 the quad-lip-wing demonstrator a while ago. It's about 2mm thickness, so I believed it will be to heavy and the glue would not be strong enough and I considered using it only for hover tests.  

Designing Griffin, a quad-lip-wing VTOL aircraft

 I started designing a quad-lip-wing aircraft, named Griffin a while ago. I was opposed building multi-rotors since there is a efficiency penalty due to decrease in Reynolds number, but this is an easy configuration to control and build. Moreover, since the rotors tilt, there is an option to retain all hover control even if any rotors fail by transforming into a tricopter configuration.

Building a variable pitch propeller

 I'm building a variable pitch propeller, electrically controllable. The idea is to transmit power and control signal wirelessly to the control servos.

Building a propeller test stand

 I'm building a propeller test stand in order to measure thrust. Since I want to measure control forces as well, like tilt and roll, I'm equipping it with 3 load cells to provide separate indications.

Building another fixed wing trainer aircraft

 I'm building a smaller trainer aircraft to be able to fly in the local park.

Modifying the transition lip-wing single copter

 We reached the conclusion that we don't have enough control authority with three control surfaces in the propeller slipstream. We're modifying the prototype and adding a fourth one. May the fourth be with us!

Building the transition lip-wing single copter

 Most efficient flying is wing-borne flying, taking advantage of the awesome L/D ratio that wings are providing. I'm building a single copter having a lip wing to try and achieve transition.

Finishing and testing the tri-lip-wing single copter

 Since it has three lip wings I'm calling this concept tri-lip-wing single copter. The testing is during my vacation at Myrtle Beach, since it was too cold in Canada.

Cutting parts for the lip-wing single copter

 The most efficient rotorcraft is a single rotor, so this is what I'm building. I'm cutting the parts on my new CNC machine. The parts are from Home Depot blue extruded polystyrene foam. I'm also adding a layer of fibreglass for rigidity.